Rhian Toolan
Abducted to Poland - 2018
Rhian was abducted from the UK in 2018 and taken to Poland illegally. Rhian's abduction is a Criminal Offence under the1984 Child Abduction Act.
Rhian was abducted by her mother against a UK court order prohibiting Rhian's permanent removal from the UK.
Edyta Sonta is "wanted" by Suffolk Police for Rhain's abduction to Poland:
Crime Reference: 37/50572/18
About Rhian's Abductor
Rhian was abducted by her mother Edyta Sonta
Edyta Sonta is a Polish National who lived and worked in the UK for 23 years. She came to the UK because she did not like living or working in Poland. She lived in one room in a shared house in London before we met.
Edyta Sonta is a wanted criminal, she is wanted for the criminal abduction of Rhian Toolan under the1984 Child Abduction Act. There is currently an International Arrest Warrant in circulation for her arrest and extradition to the UK.
The Polish Government under the UK trade agreement refuse to extradite Polish Nationals to the UK to faces charges following their criminal activities in the UK.
Contact Me
If you have any information about Rhian please can you contact me using the dedicated e mail address below.
Tel: +44 (0)778225055
Fax: 123-456-7890